Ihre Kommentare

Hello, thanks for getting in contact.

Hmm, this is weird. I will take a look into this and update this ticket when I have further updates.

Please update the post images as they are now uploaded to your account.

As said in the release notes, users need to update avatars, headers and post images for them to be uploaded to your account.

There is a bit of an issue with posts not correctly being resized. I plan on looking into this soon.

This mostly depends on the image you are trying to upload. Luckily I have added an MB limit to try and prevent large images from being uploaded for longer loading times.

I personally have not come across any slowness. Could you let me know your device and iOS to possibly try and help solve this?

Fixed in v4.4.2.

Fixed in next upcoming update.


Fixed in next upcoming update.

Enlarged font in next upcoming update.

Fixed in next upcoming update.