Your comments
There is an issue. Tap the cell above the property you want to change.
E.g. Want to change Timestamp? Tap Message Stye.
This could be major work based on how your accounts are structured.
Maybe, with enough votes, might work on this more.
Not at the moment but maybe in the future.
Not sure if the API supports this. Maybe one day
Might be something already coming in couple weeks.. ;)
Fixed. Please relaunch the app.
Please try 'Rebuild Account' in v4.5.2.
Fixed. You can use Instagram again.
I have improved maintenance in next update.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I am not sure. All I can think of that it might be caused by the Firebase SDK which is a third-party plugin beyond my control.
Try Resetting the app from the devices settings app or reinstall the app.