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I hope to bring new status types to Facebook at some point soon. Stay tuned.

I plan to upt the scale VERY soon. Social Dummy was originally constructed for 4" screens and majority of assets are still optimised for that. I am gradually converting assets and screens to 4.7"+ but isn't fully done yet. Soon as I have further updates I will update this thread.

Please can you provide me with your device details and 'steps to reproduce' please?

I will try my best to look into this.

Fixed. Will be in next update.

Likely in June or early July.

I plan to add this in very soon.

There are a couple of issues at the moment: which is the main reason for the long delay or the fact I plan on changing the API taht is currently being used..

Oh. I see what you mean. It actually says 1,234 on Instagram rather than 1.2K.

I will fix this in the next update.

The instagram profile following/followers does show 10K when reached..?

Yes, I would love to get everyone connected together. I am planning to do this very soon thanks to the new account system in place so interaction between users will definetly be coming VERY soon. Stay tuned