Vaše komentáře

Whatsapp has been updated in v4.3.5.

I like this idea a lot!

I shall have a look into this.

I will try and aim to get group chats in v4.4. No promises, but will try my best.

Thanks for all your votes!

I am glad you are enjoying it and appreciate the support.

I have Spotify and other music platforms planned for v4.4. in August.

Yes, the app is currently showing 4 Inch resolution and isn't fully optimised with 4.7" and 5.5" Inch devices. I have been working on this recently in fact and is almost done. I hope to ship this with v4.4 in August.

Updated. Coming in v4.3.5.

I plan to try and revamp Snapchat in v4.4.

Stay tuned:

Tumblr is currently not fully stable. Possibly will look into this in a future update.