
Hi, it's been about 2 years since yours ( ashley richards ) last comment, and was wondering if you have an idea of when it would be published for android or if you have started how far are you in? I'm a fanfiction writter and I'm trying to find a good fake social media app, but yours is for iOS.

hello! I understand that you are the only person developing this app and that it’s not an easy thing to do, but could you please give an approximate time of when you plan/will be able to release a version for android?

I wish I could, but I am a very busy person. Let alone, it took me 9 months to develop/release v5.0.

Hi! are you planning to release Social Dummy android with also android interface? I think it would be good if you also make it like ios, ios interface is just pretty and clean unlike android interface, so im hoping you'll make it :( btw we're all willing to wait because we know how hard it is to develop an app alone :)) take your time developerrr <3

hello! as the person down below said, we can wait and you should take your time bc we know you're busy! but can i ask a question? or even make a request? well i wanted to know why is the android app is taking longer to make (not hating, just genuinely curious) and if we could somehow help it get done faster. also, will the android version have the imessenger? i know it's an android and it should have an android surface but it'd be really helpful if u could make an iphone surface for us as well!

The Android version has to be made from scratch. Because Android and iOS are two separate coding languages iOS is written in Objective-C/Swift whilst Android is written in Java. Not only that but they both work much differently from one another with their SDKs and architecture. Android has a VAST larger range of screen sizes - so would have to optimise for that. Whilst iOS is more or less one or two different sizes. It has taken me 6+ years to get SD to where it is today. It is a massive job to undertake just by myself and with me making apps in my spare time (outside of my full-time work). One day though.

I just wanted to know do you have any idea when will we have Social Dummy on android? Please take your time with it we can wait. I understand that you have many other projects to do too!

are you planning on make it look like the andriod interface or you'd stay with the ios one?

I hope to one day port Social Dummy to Android.
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I hope to one day port Social Dummy to Android.
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