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Unable to launch fake account

하루요 7 years ago updated by Ashley Richards 7 years ago 4


I absolutely enjoy using Social Dummy, but since I’ve downloaded the latest version of the app, I can’t use the phone option. 

It always shows this:

Image 70

Why is that? What can I do against this?

And just a question by the way, since the update everything is so small, like when I want to put in the code (it’s not impossible) or the posts are also really small?

Is that intended?

Thanks in advance!

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Of course, here’s an example:

I think it turned out pretty small. 

I mean I can live with it, just wanted to know if it’s how it should be!

The passcode screen looks all good to me. Don't see an issue there.

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Please refer to the tweet I made not long ago about this: https://twitter.com/ARSocialDummy/status/935976399030095872.

How do you mean everything is small, may you please send me an example?

Updates before v4.4, the app was not optimised for 4.7" and upwards devices so now it is scaled correctly how it should be.