Live. Latest Update

Sync Avatars and Images Across Devices

مجهول منذ 8 سنة تم التحديث من قبل Ashley Richards منذ 7 سنة 7 1 مكرر

i enjoy to use social dummy with my friends, I have a ton of user profiles, but im switching phones and I saved my profiles on the account but I would like the pictures to save too! Usually when I already use the picture I delete it for extra storage, but now all the pictures will be gone! I'll have to do it all over again

مكررة 1
Live. Latest Update

Live in v4.4.

Completed. Next Release
Planned. Next Release

This feature is coming in the next major update (v4.4).

This is planned for v4.4.

مخطط لها

The reason this wasn't implemented at first was that I wasn't sure how the new server would hold up but judging on how its performing at the moment this will be added soon.

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