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In Progress

Instagram Stories

sisofstanderbullet22 6 років тому оновлено future guy 4 роки тому 34 23 дублікати
Дублікати 23

Stories are coming in v5.2. Sorry for the push back. But libraries need to be sorted out and improved upon first to bring NEW features and far better stability.


still waiting ig stories!! 🥺🥺


when will the date be when we can have insta stories?


Instagram stories and instagram highlights.

Either late this year or early next year.

Thanks for reminding me. This is planned for v5.1.


If you mean v5.0 then I plan to start work end of this year. For possibly early 2019 release.

In terms of stories I plan to bring this in v4.5.x.


yeah me too. can't wait any longer


I really want Instagram stories

It’s already early in 2018!!! I hope u can update soon hehehe :((( love your app

Some point soon yes. I have so many things to add I need to prioritise them.


Not any time soon. But if I were too this would come along with then Instagram Stories get added.

when will the v5.x update come ?


At the moment Instagram Stories and Snapchat are fairly similar in terms of UI and functionality. I will likely add this possibly at some point likely in a v5.x update